Movie Review: PROMETHEUS by Craftworks

Charlize Theron and Idris Elba-

Boom! Fresh out the movie Prometheus…

I usually like to process a movie for a day or two before I form an opinion, unless it’s extremely good or… just horridable… So my first thoughts?…. very good film for out-the-box thinkers and theorists. A decent story line for the conventional crowd with cool action and cinematography for both genres. There are a few moments that asks us to suspend our sensibilities but what science fiction movie doesn’t. The fan favorites Idris Elba, Guy Pearce and Charlize Theron did a fine job on their roles. If you did not see the movie yet, you will be pleasantly surprised in who the unsung hero(es) are. I wont spoil it for you. Sucks that i didn’t get to hear that menacing sound from the end of the trailer in the movie itself.. I’m big on sounds and scores so I was listening for it.

Moving right along… What I liked most about the film is that it asks us to rethink the creation stories that have been presented to us. As “earthlings”, we have always had 2 popular options when it comes to the creation of mankind.. That is A) The Biblical Adam and Eve Creation story… which some take literally and others would say is poetic metaphor for other events… And B) Charles Darwin’s “Theory Of Evolution”. Which involves a timeline of millions of years and humans taking on the shape we came into this day. The man came from monkey is my least favorite. No thanks!


 I have also happened across some theories that are not so popular… yet. One specific theory that involves us evolving at a very slow rate. Somewhere along the timeline, came Extra-Terrestrial beings to give us a DNA boost. We have Pyramid structures, Stonehenge and Pumapunku (to name a few) that have yet to be explained by todays archeologists. Some theorists also speculate that WE ARE the Extra-Terrestrial beings and so-forth. Or… at least “some of us” are ET. See David Icke.. The “Ancient Aliens” series, Sumerian gods (The Annunaki).. Etc. Most of my people feel that those accomplishments are all us… and they throw alien talk in the mix to discredit us of our phenomenal works. Personally, I appreciate all theories (Except that monkey bit). Haha.

 Whatever theory you adhere to, before you close your mind to the possibilities…. please consider that most (if not all) ancient civilizations left-behind drawings and tales of beings descending from he skies. Some of these stories were carved into stone. The mainstream media-machine has ignored this fact until now. It is safe to say that the writers of Prometheus utilized these theories, smushed them together and took on the challenge that many alien-theorists have stood ridiculed for.

 In my opinion, I commend the writers of Prometheus. We need more mind-bending scenarios like this. Stories that ask us all to think beyond what we have been taught. Features that teaches us HOW to think about our origin, not WHAT to think about our origin. After all, this is an infinite universe, why should we expect anything less than infinite possibilities. Even if the story itself is far fetched for the pop audience and viewed as a popcorn flick, there is a demographic that begs for out-the-box theories, based on scientific.findings. Perfect science fiction.

 Written by CraftWorks
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